
4 Ways to Spice Up Your Vacation S*x
Vacation and intimacy go together like bacons and eggs. Picture this: you and your partner can finally relax and escape from the work-eat-Netflix-sleep routine! No meetings, no house chores, no kids, no stress or whatsoever! It is just you, your significant other, the exciting potential of a vacation filled with surprises, and, of course, the cherry on top: VACATION S*X!

4 Reasons to Use Lube for Intimate Moments
Alright, let's get real for a second – SEX IS AMAZING. And you know what else is a blast? The slip and slides! Here’s to giving a big high-five to the genius who figured out the secret ingredient that can take things from great to “AH-mazing !”. Yup, you guessed it – lubricant aka lube.

Lube and Condoms: A Match Made in Bedroom Heaven
Let’s admit it! When it comes to sex, we always love the rule – the wetter, the better! And that's where the dynamic duo comes into play – condoms and lubricant (lube for short)! They are like the coolest tag team in the bedroom, condom provides protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies while lube enhances pleasure and reduces discomfort.

What Causes Vaginal Dryness?
The vagina is quite an impressive feat of biological engineering! Not only is it the source of human life for many, it can also be a source of both intense pleasure and efficient function. Not to mention it is self-cleaning and self-regulating!

#ILubeYou: Why Choosing Your Lube Wisely Matters
When it comes to personal lubricants (lubes!), do you look at the ingredients? Whether you're looking for a lube to use during sex or to alleviate vaginal dryness — ingredients matter.