4 Ways to Spice Up Your Vacation S*x
Vacation and intimacy go together like bacons and eggs. Picture this: you and your partner can finally relax and escape from the work-eat-Netflix-sleep routine! No meetings, no house chores, no kids, no stress or whatsoever! It is just you, your significant other, the exciting potential of a vacation filled with surprises, and, of course, the cherry on top: VACATION S*X!
A vacation is only wonderful when you make the most of it, so why not turn up the heat and make it a trip to remember? Here are four playful and adventurous ways to make your vacation s*x sexy AF!
- Pack Sexy
- Make the Best of Your Room
- Avoid Screen Time

- Play Safe!
Yet, dealing with a big bottle of lube during travel can be a real hassle. It takes up valuable space, and the fear of leaks or spills is always looming. Some airlines might even limit how much liquid you can bring. The perfect solution? Pack ONE® UltraFeel 2-in-1 condoms in your luggage or backpack!
It combines an ultra-thin condom with an extra 2ml of water-based lube packet in one convenient wrapper, so you won’t have to worry about luggage restrictions anymore. Plus, who wouldn’t want a soft condom that enhances your sensation a bit more? *wink* Now, the UltraFeel 2-in-1 condoms is easily available at Watsons stores across Malaysia or you can just get it delivered straight to your doorstep – shop online here!
Last but Not Least - Cherish the Moment
As you embark on your romantic getaway, remember that a vacation is all about enjoyment and connection. With the excitement of exploring a new place, it's the ideal time to reconnect with your partner, both physically and emotionally. Seize the moment and enjoy each other's company to the fullest with these vacation s*x tips. Cheers to unforgettable experiences and safe travels!